7 Reasons Your Organization Should Choose Fortinet Firewalls

In today’s interconnected world, organizations of all sizes face a growing number of cybersecurity threats. From viruses and malware to ransomware and hacking, cybercriminals are constantly looking for ways to exploit vulnerabilities in an organization’s network. To protect yourself from these threats, your organization needs a comprehensive cybersecurity solution that can detect and prevent attacks…

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How K-12 Schools Stay Safe Using WithSecure Elements

Think your school is safe from hackers because you’re in education? The 954 K-12 schools that suffered ransomware attacks in 2021 prove that you’re more vulnerable than you may think. Downtime alone cost schools a combined $3.5 billion in 2021 alone. And that’s not including recovery costs like replacing computer hardware, etc. Hackers see schools…

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Easy Targets: Why K-12 Schools Need Cybersecurity

When it comes to cyber attacks, our schools are low-hanging fruit for those with malicious intent. As schools integrate more and more technology in an effort to make education both more accessible and more effective, there are people out there ready and waiting to capitalize on any weaknesses in the system. The new reality is…

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7 Microsoft Teams Updates To Improve Your Efficiency & Productivity

Updates and enhancements are typical for Microsoft Teams, especially over the last few years. Businesses can get more done, in less time, with seamless collaboration between teams, no matter where they’re located—and now there’s even more value! While the Teams terrain has seen consistent improvement, 2022 has brought about some massively beneficial changes. Let’s take…

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