
Be Careful When Scanning QR Codes – There’s a New Scam Going Around!

QR codes are everywhere these days. You can find them on restaurant menus, flyers, and posters. They’re used both offline…

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Eye-opening Insights from the 2023 Annual Cybersecurity Attitudes and Behaviors Report

We are living in an era dominated by digital connectivity. You can’t overstate the importance of cybersecurity. As technology advances,…

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Are Your Smart Home Devices Spying On You? (Experts Say, Yes!)

The integration of smart home devices has become synonymous with modern living. They offer convenience, efficiency, and connectivity at our…

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Examples of How a Data Breach Can Cost Your Business for Years

In the digital age, data is the lifeblood of businesses. It fuels operations, decision-making, and customer interactions. But there is…

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Online Security: Addressing the Dangers of Browser Extensions

Browser extensions have become as common as mobile apps. People tend to download many and use few. There are over…

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These 7 AI Trends Are Sweeping the Cybersecurity Realm

Relentless digital innovation has defined the last few years. The symbiotic relationship between AI and cybersecurity has become pivotal especially…

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Gamers Beware! Hackers are Targeting You.

Gamers haven’t really been the focus of cybersecurity for a long time. You mostly hear about attacks on businesses. Or…

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Need to Show the Tangible Value of Cybersecurity? Here’s How

You cannot overstate the importance of cybersecurity. Especially in an era dominated by digital advancements. Businesses and organizations are increasingly…

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Top Data Breaches of 2023: Numbers Hit an All-Time High

The battle against cyber threats is an ongoing challenge. Unfortunately, 2023 has proven to be a watershed year for data…

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Beware of These 2024 Emerging Technology Threats

The global cost of a data breach last year was USD $4.45 million. This is an increase of 15% over…

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