How To Simplify Inbox Security With SecureTide
Improving inbox security is an essential process of closing one of the biggest security vulnerabilities in any company’s operations: email.
The inherent flaws in using email still make it extremely vulnerable to phishing and ransomware attacks, which is why companies must have programs and processes in place to protect themselves.
Security software can offer some basic protections for email, but attackers have learned to circumvent them by exploiting the human element of inbox security. These specific attacks confuse and take advantage of the recipient, relying on human error to bypass security software.
So how does a program like SecureTide simplify inbox security? By seamlessly integrating with inboxes, it takes the burden of screening away from the employee to an up-to-date and robust security platform.
How SecureTide Protects Your Company Inbox
SecureTide has two ways of providing you with email protection, with a comprehensive suite of features that cover most gaps in email security.
Secure Email Gateway (SEG)
With the ubiquity of email use, attackers often use email as a breaching point to extract valuable data, insert harmful software into systems, and spy on sensitive communications. A Secure Email Gateway should always be your first and most effective defense against these attacks.
- End-to-end encryption (E2EE)
E2EE is one of the best ways to make sure that a third party doesn’t intercept or tamper with your emails while they’re being sent. Automated attacks that trigger when emails are sent and received can read the contents of your data or insert harmful software before being opened by the receiver.
This type of attack is particularly effective when it targets internal company communications since employees will trust an internal message even without screening it first. To combat this issue, SecureTide uses an E2EE system that ensures that messages can’t be accessed outside the sender and receiver.
- Data Loss Prevention And Archiving
Mail servers are another vulnerable area for attack, with successful breaches not only stealing data but shutting down the server itself. These disruptions in communication can be an enormous problem for corporations, especially those that regularly send and receive sensitive data.
SecureTide offers a Disaster Email Recovery service that can store emails for up to 30 days if your mail servers go offline. This gives your company some breathing room to recover important communique, attachments, and other data if your mail servers are compromised.
- Reporting And Analytics
Most attacks are persistent in their frequency, looking for a momentary gap to slip through your protections. That’s why understanding the attacks you stop can help you prepare better for future attacks.
Analyzing and reporting stopped email attacks can help your IT team address the most significant vulnerabilities in your mail servers, and provide a better plan to combat future attacks.
SecureTide can analyze failed attacks and compile them into a complete report that your company can use to assess the most vulnerable areas in your email security. This includes identifying the attacks, potentially compromised accounts, and a detailed security profile for all detections.
Anti-Spam System
Spam is a serious issue for mail servers even if the contents are relatively harmless. An overload of spam can have serious effects on the communication channels and overall traffic in mail servers, which can cost millions in infrastructure costs and traffic expenses.
Anti-spam systems reduce the amount of spam that your mail server receives and closes any gaps in your mail security.
- Malware Prevention
Spam-based mail attacks often imitate legitimate mail, which can increase its chances of being opened. These emails often contain malware or ransomware that automatically attaches itself to the receiver’s computer, infecting any others in the same network.
SecureTide screens against this kind of spam by scanning the data of every email sent to your mail servers and automatically deletes or quarantines anything suspicious. This reduces the likelihood that they’ll reach your employee’s inboxes and saves their time and effort to screen and delete them.
- Allow/Block Lists
While automated spam blockers are effective, there are situations where your defenses can accidentally screen legitimate emails. This can cause you to misplace or potentially delete important data, or offload them to a less secure place where attackers can easily access.
SecureTide can customize your email permissions to screen or allow certain types of email with the ability to apply these changes to your entire mail server. These custom filters can give you greater flexibility with your incoming/outgoing mail, improving your communications.
- Email Recovery
When a mail server receives many emails, there’s a possibility that important emails can be confused for spam and deleted. Most of the time, these emails are lost and can’t be recovered. Companies can waste a lot of time and human resources trying to identify and restore these emails, and sometimes ultimately fail in their recovery efforts.
SecureTide can temporarily store your deleted emails for a time, allowing for easy retrieval. It can analyze and report on the contents of emails you’ve deleted, which can help you identify and isolate important data that you want to restore.
These are just some features that companies can benefit from when they use SecureTide. Other benefits include:
- Seamless integration with your mail server
- Simple implementation – no hardware or software installation required
- A dedicated 24/7 customer support team
- Real-time protection against the latest IT threats
- Daily reports and analytics about spam and blocked mail
As long as email remains the preferred method of communication, companies will need to invest in real-time and effective email security to protect themselves and their clients.
How Do I Improve My Email Security?
Inbox security is just one of the many ways that attackers can use to gain unlawful access to your network. Having a dedicated IT team to monitor your IT security isn’t always possible, which is why you should look into outsourcing your cybersecurity.
Consult Abacus today for an overview of how safe your company is against cyber-attacks. We provide top-quality advice, help, and tools to secure your data, with a commitment to hassle-free and long-term customer service.