What Is an EDR Tool?

Business networks are always a favorite target for different cyberattacks, which is why it’s important to find new ways to protect your network. One way you can do this is by adding a new layer of protection – like EDR – to the security system. To find out how EDR tools improve the company’s security…

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What Should Cybersecurity Awareness Training Include

For many businesses, data is almost as important as profit. But protecting the company data isn’t the sole responsibility of its IT department. Every employee should be responsible for keeping all the confidential company information secure, which is why cybersecurity awareness training is essential. So what topics should good cybersecurity awareness training include? When hosting…

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How To DR Test Successfully

On a scale of 1-10, how prepared is your company for an insider sabotage attack, ransomware-virus, or a natural calamity? Research has shown that 94% of companies that suffered from a catastrophic data loss do not survive, with almost half never reopening after an incident. A disaster recovery (DR) plan can help your organization prepare…

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How To Simplify Inbox Security With SecureTide

Improving inbox security is an essential process of closing one of the biggest security vulnerabilities in any company’s operations: email.  The inherent flaws in using email still make it extremely vulnerable to phishing and ransomware attacks, which is why companies must have programs and processes in place to protect themselves. Security software can offer some…

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Keeping Your Inbox Safe: Tips For Keeping Your Email Secure

With almost 300 billion emails sent per day, it’s no surprise that around 91% of all cybersecurity attacks begin with an email. Unfortunately, many people don’t pay enough attention to their inbox privacy and security, which makes them attractive targets for hackers. Implementing basic data security measures can help you better protect yourself and your…

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2020 Updates That Made Office 365 Even Better For Businesses

In 2011, Microsoft launched the cloud-based subscription Microsoft 365 software platform with all the apps and features tailored to enhance business productivity. This year, Microsoft has rebranded the platform to Office 365 to include features that improve at-home use and streamline collaboration.  So what 2020 updates have made Microsoft’s Office 365 better for businesses? Aside…

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How Email Encryption Can Protect Businesses And Its Clients

As more commercial activities are done through email, small businesses and enterprises alike should take an interest in email security, specifically encryption.  So how can email encryption protect businesses and their clients? Encryption disguises the contents of an email so that only the intended recipient will be able to read the message. Email encryption empowers…

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